Are you wondering when it’s the best time to declutter? These wise and fun tips will show you just that!

Choosing the best time to declutter is actually a very personal thing, in my opinion, but I’ve found that there are some logical patterns that have proven helpful. Here they are:
1. Daily
The idea behind daily decluttering is to keep our items from piling up into an unmanageable and stressful lot. Most importantly, daily decluttering offers small mini sessions that give big rewards for just a few minutes, saving our sanity, and boosting our moods at the same time. “A stitch in time saves nine”, as they say. Doing a little every day will add up over time, keeping areas in check, and making us feel accomplished even with just 5-10 minutes of work. So the best time to declutter? Today. Right now. And then again, a little bit tomorrow. And a little bit the day after that…
2. End Of Season Clothing Swap
Where clothes are concerned, my favorite time to declutter (and the most logical) is at the end of the season, because I’m going through them anyway. Brilliant! Every season, I naturally let go of the previous season, pack those clothes up (or move them to another part of the closet), and take out the current season’s picks. This is the perfect time to look over (honestly) the clothes you haven’t worn this past season. Before packing them away, honestly ask yourself if you love them and use them (which is great) or just simply love them and don’t use them (which is not so great). Don’t pack away what you haven’t worn, right? Season transitions are the best for this.
Remember, it’s not enough to love something. What’s important is utility, efficiency, and actual use. Answering these questions about your clothes (and linens, towels, etc.) will give you a lot of insight into which would find a better home with someone else. If I were a towel (ha!) I’d definitely want to be put to use in loving ways. Being stored is not the best feeling, because I’m not fulfilling my destiny as a towel, right? You get the idea. All in all, our home is not a storage facility. It’s a home, with well-loved items that get used, and plenty of space to breathe and be.

3. When You’re Going To Be Happy Doing It
If the act of decluttering adds to stress at this very moment in our lives, then it’s not the best time to do it. If you can do it with joy and enjoy it, then it’s the right time. I’ve been in situations with people where they weren’t ready mentally to declutter, and hours later they only released one small bag of clothes. It’s a waste of time and energy, and it’s ok if it’s not the right time.
Don’t force yourself into decluttering just because other people are doing it. Do it at a time when you’re mentally prepared, open to change, and a time when it will really benefit you to declutter.
4. If You Feel Overwhelmed With Stuff And You’ve Had Enough
There may come a time when you can’t find something, and the piles are just overwhelming. While it’s a better practice to not let things get to this level of chaos, the truth is that we’re all human and it happens to the best of us. If you feel overwhelmed, I’ve found it quite comforting to drop my to do list for just an hour, and just organize the space I’m in. Inevitably, I’ll find what I’m looking for and I’ll feel a sense of peace knowing that my space is clean and my mind is clear.
In college, when I’d be upset about something, I’d organize my room and I’d instantly feel better. In the time it took to organize, I’d also clear my thoughts, find a solution to whatever problem I was having, and have a clean room as a prize at the end. If you feel overwhelmed, see if decluttering can clear your mind and help you get closer to clarity.

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